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A Message from rev. Dr. Shellie Sampson Jr.
Stay connected!
Stay Connected - Rev. Dr. Shellie Sampson Jr.
00:00 / 03:23
Children's LifeGroup (ages 2-12)
The Children's Life group is an active community of youth believers. This is a group for children of all ages 9-12 to take a deeper dive into the gospel of Christ with their peers. Through this group your child will have the opportunity to explore the word through crafts, music, trivia, culture and a weekly life group study. During the study they will learn about the acts of the holy spirit, how to share the gospel with others and what the end times look like. Our desire is to build up your child for the service of the lord. We cant' wait for your child to join our group today!
Sundays at 11:15am
Youth Night (ages 13-18)
Youth Nite is an awesome program that allow teens to engage in sports, the arts (music, dancing, drama, and fine arts), baking & writing. We provide a safe environment for teens to hang out and develop a sense of community as they build relationships with each other.
Thursdays at 5:30pm
Young Adult Women LifeGroup (ages 18-29)
Are you from the ages of 18-24? Looking for a group of people to bond with and connect with. Wanna find your gifts and get closer to God? Wanna have deeper relationships with others? Love to play games and have fun?
Tuesdays at 7:30pm
ISHAH Women's LifeGroup (ages 30-49)
Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Daughters of Lydia Women's Life Group (ages 50-64)
Daughters of Lydia was given to me I believe because Lydia in the New Testament was a Woman who owned her business, she was a seller of purple. She was from the city Thyatria but made her home in Phillipi which was a big trading city, just like New York. Lydia was consistent in her pursuit of God she made it a point “to gather with other Woman” outside the busy noisy city daily. She is described as one who “Worshiped God” and “whose heart the Lord opened”… The ability to gather others for prayer, fellowship, work etc. in turbulent times would mean that you would have to be filled and connected with the source of life here on earth, and that source is none other than the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 14: 16-17, “ And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever; v.17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
Thursdays at 7:30pm
Growing in Grace II LifeGroup (ages 65+)
Our group will look at and develop the concept of what Grace is; what Grace sounds like; and, how does Grace looks. We will use Biblical examples, role play, and books on Grace. To further explore God's Grace, we will write our life story to delve into the aspects of Grace etc. We will try as best we can for our sessions to be Word and fun filled.
Mondays at 8:00pm
Young Men's LifeGroup (ages 18-39)
Real Talk & Real conversations about popular culture, current events, personal goals, and living as men of faith in 2020.
Tuesdays at 7:00pm
Men's Life Group (40+)
Rawr Rawr Rawr YES, the Men.
Sign up with us as we break into different age groups: to form groups which are: The start of manhood, to fatherhood, to independence, middle age, grown, retired or seniors, come be a part of the Men. Let us know that you are ready to begin with us
The Mighty Men of God.
Fridays ​at 7:00pm
Marriage LifeGroup
We are embarking on a new ministry that will build renew and restore relationships between husbands and wives from a biblical, practical and relational perspective.
Thursdays at 7:00pm
Hidden Treasures LifeGroup
The purpose of the Hidden Treasure Ministries is to work together to help each other achieve business success in a Godly manner. To build a business community of trust, integrity and support. To practice group economics by supporting each other, the Thessalonia community and the community at large. This group is open to you even if you don't aspire to own a business, but simply wish to better yourself and work on achieving your goals.
Saturdays at 9:00am
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